
June 27, 2012

Bokeh: Picture Snob

Ever since I started in photography I have become a little, shall we say snobby, when it comes to pictures as decoration in my house. Overnight it seemed I didn't want anyone else's "art" hanging in my house. All of those New York skyline pictures I wanted to hang in the kitchen where a want of the past. I apparently adopted an "it must be mine" attitude.

That attitude has made it a little difficult to decorate because it has penetrated to other parts of my decorating which I'm having to talk myself off of the ledge of "I must make everything myself or it be a one of kind piece". I simply don't have the kind of money to maintain that fostered attitude. However, I can adopt my attitude for pictures.

The NYC skylines pictures will have to wait a while, as will the Parisain pictures. I did get some great New England pictures though on a recently trip to Maine. I wanted a lighthouse picture for my kitchen. So far it's lighthouse on one wall, Boston on the other.

These are the two that so far have made the cut...


  1. I LOVE these pictures! And I thought you just did portraits. These are really nice. I love how you had the center of focus just right. I want to see more.

  2. Thanks Rose. I will deffinately post a few more. I have some more lighthouse pictures in the queue for the photography blog, . Those will go up on Monday.
