
October 4, 2012

Bokeh: 365:1-7

So week 1 of project 365 went well. For the most part I really found myself, not only looking for things to capture, cut also looking at normal things in a different light (a few times literally). Honestly, I only missed 1 day, yesterday day 7, but since I took so many pictures I decided to plug in a day 6 on day 7. Yes it's technically cheating, but its my 365 & I'll manipulate it as I please.

Here's the results...
Day 1: Dinner Light (since I already explained this one, please refer to the previous post.
Day 2: Foggy Morning (also refer to previous pot)
Day 3: Shopping with Mommy (same)

Day 4: Laundry Day
B is really, really attracted to laundry baskets, I say he is "helping" but honestly how much does a toddler ever help. He is fascinated by pulling everything out of the basket & sitting in the pile, then throwing the pile around him. Daddy stopped him in his tracks this morning on his way to help, gave him his hat, & plopped him in the basket. He sat there happy as a clam till he realized he couldn't pull things out from under him & he tipped himself over.

Day 5: Woke up early & Sticky Fingers
I had 2 pictures that I couldn't chose between because they both told a story so well. The first was from early monday when I had to wake up B from his afternoon nap that ran long. He is so snuggly & cuddly & sweet when he's still sleepy. Lucky for Dad he was home & was the recipient of those snuggles. The second came after B did an avocado face & hair mask at dinner (already concerned about his looks). He got an early bath & got to play around in his PJs & since it was raining outside Chevy was inside & after playing with her & chasing her & tugging on her collar (his favorite thing about her), he slide up next to her, sweet & innocent & stole her ball right out from under her nose.

Day 6: Pink in the Fall
One of the many things I love about fall is the colors in the sky during sunset (I'm sure they are great in at sunrise too, but I never see those). On this particular night it was a fiery, almost neon pink. Before this project I would have just admired it, but since B went to bed early I decided to take my time & photograph it. One of the things I'm working on is capturing landscape through my camera the same way my eyes see it, this was a pretty close result.

Day 7 (technically 6, but oh well): Stalker the Squirrel
Chevy kept barking furiously outside & running like a herd of wild elephants across the back yard, when I got up to see what her deal was I noticed a hawk up in the tree. Now I don't know if the hawk is attacking the squirrel or the squirrel is trying to protect whatever is in the nest from the hawk, but I got a kick out of watching the squirrel peer into the nest. I got as close as I could with my biggest lens & its still hard to see, so here's a bigger version.

So far so good for week 1, hopefully I can keep up the spunk for 358 more pictures.

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